Earth's Aromatique

Comfrey Root Powder


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  • Parts used: Root, powdered
  • Origin: Alberta, Canada
  • Cultivation: Certified Organic

Comfrey Root’s popular folk name, knitbone, alludes to one of its most well-known uses. Traditionally it was used to encourage the recovery of broken bones, tendons, and uninfected cut or wounds. It contains allantoin, a known cell proliferant (i.e tissue healing). Any gardener can attest its powers of regeneration—a mighty plant will grow from even the tiniest piece of root.

Both leaves and root of the Comfrey plant may be used. Use externally in soaks, compresses, poultices, salves, and infused oils. Standard decoction ratios and preparation methods apply.

Comfrey is prohibited for internal use by Health Canada and the FDA as its high pyrrolizidine alkaloid content may cause liver damage.

Constituents: Vitamin B12, Calcium, germanium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, amino acids, mucilage, allantoin, inulin, alkaloids, triterpenoids, phenolic acids, sterols, tannins.

Contraindications: May warrant caution with an overactive immune system.

How to Brew Herbal Teas

As a rule of thumb, for single herbs add 1 tsp. dried herb per cup hot water (though you can make your tea as strong or weak as you’d like). For blends of more than 2 herbs, use 1 Tbsp. dried herb blend per cup of hot water.

INFUSIONS are for plant materials that are relatively fragile (leaves, fruits, seeds, flowers and roots with high volatile oils like Valerian or Goldenseal). Place a tight fitting lid over the tea, and allow to steep for 10-20 minutes, or overnight – depending on the flavour and strength you wish.

DECOCTIONS are like infusions, but are used when the plant material is tenacious (such as roots, barks, nuts and non-aromatic seeds). This method makes very concentrated teas, so the plant material can be used 2-3 times before discarding. Bring water to a boil. Add herb to boiling water, cover with tight fitting lid, and allow to simmer on low heat for 15-20 mins. Remove from heat and strain.

How to brew when your blend has both fragile and tenacious herbs?

You do both methods! First decoct your roots, barks or seeds as described above. Turn off the heat, and then add the leaves/flowers and leave to steep for as long as you desire.

100% organic Symphytum officinale root powder.

Kolya welcomes DIY enthusiasts, from novices to experienced makers, offering high-quality ingredients and creative ideas for nature-inspired inventions. As passionate crafters, we emphasize the beauty of hand-making botanical products and remedies, catering to the needs of home-based artisans. While we celebrate the joy of botanical crafting, we are not a laboratory and do not provide the requirements of professional cosmetic formulators.

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