Schuessler Tissue Salts

Comb B (6X) - General Debility



  • Gluten free
  • Natural ingredients
  • No additives

Sometimes life can make us feel tense and generally rather ‘drained’. This is quite common during convalescence from any infection, operation or injury. Combination B can help in times of exhaustion as a result of stress, or physical factors such as recovering from the flu or surgery.

Schuessler Tissue Salts are easily absorbed micro minerals that correct cellular imbalances. They are:

Suitable for everyone
Traditional hand-ground Tissue Salt Tablets
There is a Tissue Salt for every ailment

Recommended Use: For the temporary relief of: Nervous exhaustion, irritability & anxiety.

Recommended Dose: Chew tablets or crush and dissolve in water.Acute conditions: every half an hour (up to 6 doses per day) until symptoms subside.Chronic or maintenance dose: 4 times daily. Take half an hour before meals, last dose at bedtime, or as professionally prescribed.

Cautions & Warnings: Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner. Contains lactose.

Ingredients: Each tablet contains equal amounts of 6x:Calc phos (Calcium phosphate)Ferr phos (Ferrum phosphate)Kali phos (Potassium phosphate)

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